Bonnyrigg High School

I shall strive for the best

Telephone02 9823 1184



Caring for students

Bonnyrigg High makes student wellbeing a priority and has a number of programs that support the wellbeing of our students. These programs are vital to ensure students meet their goals and reach their full potential. Programs use both internal and external resources and require development of collaborative partnerships, with disciplinary teams, in order to be successful.


Bonnyrigg High School has promoted and enhanced student health and wellbeing by developing a working relationship with NSW Health in the provision of immunisation. This is a free service for students that would otherwise need to be paid for through family GP's. Liaising and collaborating with health care experts, on behalf of parents, has ensured concerns and questions are addressed, and developed parent confidence, in regard to consenting for vaccinations. This has resulted in students receiving vaccines, which are vital to their health and beneficial for the community.

Life skills

Bonnyrigg coordinates numerous programs that assist students with the development of social skills, resilience and ways to deal with high levels of anxiety. Teachers and the Learning Support Faculty work closely with interagencies in the community to develop and deliver suitable programs to assist students and their wellbeing. Many students at Bonnyrigg experience high levels of anxiety, requiring professional intervention. The school has several mental health programs, sourced through external agencies, which assist students to deal with anxiety and build resilience. Such programs include ‘Cool Connections', run by Community First Step, where students are provided with strategies to deal with anxiety and bullying, and how to make and sustain friendships. The aim of the program is to educate young people about healthy and respectful relationships, promote the safety and wellbeing of young people and equip them with positive communication skills in order to build healthy relationships. This program has been successful in improving student attendance rates, school connectedness and engagement. Students on the program are better equipped to make informed decisions, have increased confidence and self-esteem, and have a greater sense of wellbeing and happiness. This program is offered twice a year to ensure students requiring assistance are given the opportunity to attend.